Saturday, February 14, 2009


So, I've recently started playing WoW again after months of taking a break. People may have wondered what happened to me, well, the simple fact of the matter is that I let the game play me, instead of the other way around, so I stopped cold turkey and got a grip on myself.

I tried out a Death Knight, I just can't stick with it, it doesn't feel right after playing a Warrior for most of my WoW life. There's something about being a Fury Warrior, something a Death Knight could never experience in the same way. Especially with some of the changes recently added, like Titan's Grip, and Heroic Fury, I just love charging into the biggest pack of mobs I can find now and going to town!

With all the PvP buffs given to Fury now, I just want wait to get to 80 and take a spin around the arenas and see what's what! I'm also very excited about the new versions of T3, one of my all time favorite Warrior sets, I just can't wait to see Miriya in a full that of that badass armor!

Well, that's what's been up in my mind recently, back to gaming, see you when something stupid happens to report on!