I've recently written enough of my own Fury Warrior guide where I can consider it "Semi Complete" so if anyone wishes to read it, and give me some input on what else I should include/exclude/expand/contract whatever, just let me know either on The Covenant Forums, or as a comment here.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Forum Watch
What are you? *quiz*
All I can say is:

Can Warriors count to 20?
Will we ever do it? Find out in this thread.
GM Working Method's
I know this one isn't a Warrior Topic, but I liked it. Good reading for anyone who would like a little insight into the world of the GM's.
All I can say is:

Can Warriors count to 20?
Will we ever do it? Find out in this thread.
GM Working Method's
I know this one isn't a Warrior Topic, but I liked it. Good reading for anyone who would like a little insight into the world of the GM's.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Making a UI
So I was browsing around Curse, and other WoW Mod sites looking for a good UI compilation, but I just couldn't find any I liked. So after doing some research, and playing around with some mods, I designed my own from scratch. =)
It was a headache I'll tell you that right now, and it may not seem as grand as some other famous UI's, but this one is mine! I made it! And nobody else can have it!
*Miriya looks smug, clearly pleased with herself.*

*Miriya looks smug, clearly pleased with herself.*
Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm at work right now (yes, I can slack off, just like anyone who is reading this is slacking off instead of working!) and I can't remember this joker's name, but I'll see him again in game and when I do, I'll add him to my wall of shame. (No there is no "wall of shame" per-sei. But this Blog counts as one. Or at least it will in time!)
Over zealous
Well, I said I can admit when I'm wrong, and I can. Here, I'll prove it.
In my previous post "Forum Watch" I mentioned THIS THEAD.
Well, I allowed that troll Alexanda to taunt me into continuing a stupid argument with him. An argument I had already won, but I just gave him troll food. Another player behind an Alt said this to me:
And yeah, she was absolutely right. I need to watch out that I don't become what I'm fighting against indeed. But hey, it's my nature, I'm competitive! When I beat someone, I need to make sure he's not ever getting back up. Well, that's my 2 copper about that.
Later I'll post something here with a bit more substance, I promise! =)
In my previous post "Forum Watch" I mentioned THIS THEAD.
Well, I allowed that troll Alexanda to taunt me into continuing a stupid argument with him. An argument I had already won, but I just gave him troll food. Another player behind an Alt said this to me:

Later I'll post something here with a bit more substance, I promise! =)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Forum Watch
Don't we all? This dude had one epic bad luck streak against this Rogue and posted on the Warrior Forums to ventilate his frustrations. We feel your pain my brother.
Have a look at this poor guys Combat log, all his good stuff got dodged, pretty hard luck here. If it's any comfort to other Warriors out there, at least we're the ones with the ability called "Over Power" which was designed for situations exactly like this. Unfortunately it is not available in Berserker stance and before you n00bs say "stance dance n00b" even with with tactical mastery talented, it's not worth the loss of hard earned rage unless he's got evasion up. So yeah, Nerf Rogues!
Draenei Warriors?
Are Draenei a good choice for Warriors on the Alliance side? Well, my answer may or may not surprise you, but it's a yes. Read on and see what you think.
Warrior Leveling?
Some crack head seems to think that leveling a Warrior is difficult. Another person says it's easier the second time around. I'm not sure how true this is, leveling the first time wasn't hard, and it was a ton of fun. Leveling up the second time is very easy, but very boring! There's nothing new to discover, it's just basically remaking a character I already have just because I want to play on a PvP realm. *sigh* if SSL wasn't an RP realm and keeping me entertained, I'd Rend myself!
Minimum T5/T6 for Kara?
People say the dumbest shit to DPS Warriors, and this one was pretty unremarkable until you get towards the end of page 2, that's when you'll stumble upon this asshole:
I don't know why I even bother, but sometimes people enrage me into giving them my 2cents about their sexual orientation, their mother being their brother, or, in this case, a lecture on how some PvP gear can actually be better than most PvE gear for some Classes and Specs.
Now, his response to myself and to meadows who posted before me was a bit too big and I don't want to ugly up my page with more screen shots of his garbage, so I'll just copy and paste what he said to me here:
Edit: I <3 this guy!

Don't we all? This dude had one epic bad luck streak against this Rogue and posted on the Warrior Forums to ventilate his frustrations. We feel your pain my brother.
Draenei Warriors?
Are Draenei a good choice for Warriors on the Alliance side? Well, my answer may or may not surprise you, but it's a yes. Read on and see what you think.
Warrior Leveling?
Some crack head seems to think that leveling a Warrior is difficult. Another person says it's easier the second time around. I'm not sure how true this is, leveling the first time wasn't hard, and it was a ton of fun. Leveling up the second time is very easy, but very boring! There's nothing new to discover, it's just basically remaking a character I already have just because I want to play on a PvP realm. *sigh* if SSL wasn't an RP realm and keeping me entertained, I'd Rend myself!
Minimum T5/T6 for Kara?
People say the dumbest shit to DPS Warriors, and this one was pretty unremarkable until you get towards the end of page 2, that's when you'll stumble upon this asshole:

What s2? I said I dont want to have people in full s1 in my OWN raid which I made,l2understand english. You're probably the one who was too lazy to make badge runs and spamming the raidleaders in /LFG for invite but got refused.My response:
Badge Welfare l00t is only called that when people like YOU wear them. Had you checked my armory, you'd see some special reputations are starting to fill up in there, meaning I'll do my badge farming in MH and BT and /wave to you in Kara.I probably should have just said /LFG comment, but he's clearly too lazy to armory me. Because T4 Warriors with T6 Weapons clearly have to spend time begging people in /LFG to take them to KZ. I had a laugh. Hope you did too! =)
/LFG? What's that?
Edit: I <3 this guy!

Demotivational Warrior Posters
So I made that thread, it got to be pretty epic, lots of people contributing pictures and I'll always keep it up to date with any new content anyone submits in the thread. Some of it is pretty hilarious, others are just so true it'll make you sad (if you're a Warrior that is).
Enjoy. =)
So I made that thread, it got to be pretty epic, lots of people contributing pictures and I'll always keep it up to date with any new content anyone submits in the thread. Some of it is pretty hilarious, others are just so true it'll make you sad (if you're a Warrior that is).
Enjoy. =)
Forum Watch
The wow-europe Warrior forums are always a great place for laughs. You'll find endless volumes of worthless prattle from people who should really be playing Second Life instead of WoW. You'll also find plenty of insightful, and just plain hilarious comments from forum regulars like Londron, or one of my big Warrior heroes Meadows. I'll regularly keep track of some of the more epic threads I come across on the Forums. But first I'd like to clear up an issue I've been having with Conscience of SSL. Several idiots from this guild have been contacting me, interrupting my role playing, or my instance tanking to discuss... ok, not discuss, to just piss me off, about comments I've made about them on the WoW-Europe Forums.
First, let's have a look at Amidalar's Opening Post.
And now my comments from the same thread.
I simply accused their Rogues of being loot whores, which is totally correct since they would try and convince their Raid Leader that the Talon of Azshara (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=30082) is a Rogue weapon, and that Fury Warriors can get much better. Had these Rogues done some research they would be surprised to learn that it is one of the most coveted off hand weapons for a Fury Warrior. So yes, I think the term "Loot whore" clearly applies here.
Furthermore I went on to say "I would have left the guild at this point, thank God I didn't stay on SSL for PvE" which you can feel free to interpret as you like, the actions of their Rogues speak much more clearly about the quality of this guild than I could. Have they learned to play since then? I don't know, and to be honest, I couldn't really give a damn. And yes, I would have left the guild at this point, I refuse to play with people who think they can con me out of my fair share of the hard earned epics.
These are the facts, if any from Conscience wishes to take this up further, you may feel free to direct your comments here:
First, let's have a look at Amidalar's Opening Post.

And now my comments from the same thread.

Furthermore I went on to say "I would have left the guild at this point, thank God I didn't stay on SSL for PvE" which you can feel free to interpret as you like, the actions of their Rogues speak much more clearly about the quality of this guild than I could. Have they learned to play since then? I don't know, and to be honest, I couldn't really give a damn. And yes, I would have left the guild at this point, I refuse to play with people who think they can con me out of my fair share of the hard earned epics.
These are the facts, if any from Conscience wishes to take this up further, you may feel free to direct your comments here:

Saturday, May 17, 2008
PvE --> PvP, starting over, AGAIN!
NOTE: All private chats in my Screen shots will be censored unless it is relevant to what is going on in the screen shot. Names of idiots in screen shots will never be censored, feel free to come to Scarshield Legion and laugh in their faces.

So yeah, I'm one of those dumb fucks who transfered from a PvP realm to a PvE realm. Due to Blizzard's lack of interest in the hard work people put into their characters they don't allow you to transfer from PvE to PvP, even if you've leveled from 1-70 on a PvP Realm. The only way back is to start from scratch.
The first thing I needed was a justification. Why would I want to level up another Warrior which looks exactly the same, on a realm I've already leveled up on? The only answer I found was PUNISHMENT. Yes, I've started to think of this leveling adventure as a Punishment for my stupidity in abandoning my friends, and my own guild to pursue end game raiding on a realm I used to play on before The Burning Crusade came out. Well, punishment accepted, Black Temple traded for Dead mines. Full Epics traded for full nothing.
I'll skip the rather boring tale of how my Guild members and friends basically boosted me though all the really boring 1-40 stuff, and start out with what happened when I was looking for a group for Zul'Farrak...
This is what Blizzard is forcing you to reroll and endure once more! All the n00bs who have yet to learn how to play (and probably still won't know by the time they get to 70.)
I really find it unfair that I'm forced to trade Black Temple raiding, for this shit! But like I said, this is my Punishment for transferring to a PvE realm, this is what I must endure to be what I once was on Scarshield Legion. The once legendary Miriya Starfury, 1st Triumvirate of The Covenant, the Fury nab who caused Damage meters to overload and explode! Back to Zul'Farrak with you! You wanna be 1337sauce on SSL again, you gotta earn all your titles back bitch!
So eventually I manage to get a group together for Zul'Farrak. One of my fearless adventurer companions was "Mesaturk" and yes, I know his name should have raised a red flag, and it did, but I had no one else I could get. Turns out he was just more "Punishment" for my stupidity, because I transfered to a PvE Realm, I get to play with fools like Mesaturk who run around Zul'Farrak trying to solo elites and bosses while I face palm and try to shoot myself in the head, but it says "Target to close" when I try to do that, so I had to endure his bull shit for the whole instance until he caused a wipe at the stairs when the mobs weren't coming to us fast enough, he decided to run down the stairs and pull more Mobs. Sadly I was too pissed off to think to take a screen shot of it, I ended up kicking him out of the group and we did the rest of the instance with only 4 players. It was harder, but we did it. Just more punishment.
*sigh* in the words of the great Shade of Aran: "I want this nightmare to be over!" but that's too much to hope for. Fast forward a couple days to Sunken Temple...
Yup, a good sword dropped for me off one of the bosses, but I don't deserve it, after all, I'm the dumb ass who transfered off the server to a PvE realm, I deserve to level up all over again in hell! So the Gnome Warlock gets to have my Melee DPS Sword, and I get to QQ more.
Finally the last bit of punishment which forced me to stop my leveling for the day. The Lag Monster. You see, the "Ruin" battle group is what I FIRMLY believe to be Blizzard's big inside joke. It's the smallest Battle group, consisting of only 4 servers, while other Battle groups consist of 9 or more. Each server is infamous for it's MAJOR LAG SPIKES. Here's a screen shot, because this is a number of Milliseconds I can't actually say without getting a million and one 'screen shot or it didn't happen" comments.

That's it for today. Sometime soon I'll take you on a tour of Runetotem, another form of punishment for my stupid transfer.

So yeah, I'm one of those dumb fucks who transfered from a PvP realm to a PvE realm. Due to Blizzard's lack of interest in the hard work people put into their characters they don't allow you to transfer from PvE to PvP, even if you've leveled from 1-70 on a PvP Realm. The only way back is to start from scratch.
The first thing I needed was a justification. Why would I want to level up another Warrior which looks exactly the same, on a realm I've already leveled up on? The only answer I found was PUNISHMENT. Yes, I've started to think of this leveling adventure as a Punishment for my stupidity in abandoning my friends, and my own guild to pursue end game raiding on a realm I used to play on before The Burning Crusade came out. Well, punishment accepted, Black Temple traded for Dead mines. Full Epics traded for full nothing.
I'll skip the rather boring tale of how my Guild members and friends basically boosted me though all the really boring 1-40 stuff, and start out with what happened when I was looking for a group for Zul'Farrak...

I really find it unfair that I'm forced to trade Black Temple raiding, for this shit! But like I said, this is my Punishment for transferring to a PvE realm, this is what I must endure to be what I once was on Scarshield Legion. The once legendary Miriya Starfury, 1st Triumvirate of The Covenant, the Fury nab who caused Damage meters to overload and explode! Back to Zul'Farrak with you! You wanna be 1337sauce on SSL again, you gotta earn all your titles back bitch!
So eventually I manage to get a group together for Zul'Farrak. One of my fearless adventurer companions was "Mesaturk" and yes, I know his name should have raised a red flag, and it did, but I had no one else I could get. Turns out he was just more "Punishment" for my stupidity, because I transfered to a PvE Realm, I get to play with fools like Mesaturk who run around Zul'Farrak trying to solo elites and bosses while I face palm and try to shoot myself in the head, but it says "Target to close" when I try to do that, so I had to endure his bull shit for the whole instance until he caused a wipe at the stairs when the mobs weren't coming to us fast enough, he decided to run down the stairs and pull more Mobs. Sadly I was too pissed off to think to take a screen shot of it, I ended up kicking him out of the group and we did the rest of the instance with only 4 players. It was harder, but we did it. Just more punishment.
*sigh* in the words of the great Shade of Aran: "I want this nightmare to be over!" but that's too much to hope for. Fast forward a couple days to Sunken Temple...

Finally the last bit of punishment which forced me to stop my leveling for the day. The Lag Monster. You see, the "Ruin" battle group is what I FIRMLY believe to be Blizzard's big inside joke. It's the smallest Battle group, consisting of only 4 servers, while other Battle groups consist of 9 or more. Each server is infamous for it's MAJOR LAG SPIKES. Here's a screen shot, because this is a number of Milliseconds I can't actually say without getting a million and one 'screen shot or it didn't happen" comments.

That's it for today. Sometime soon I'll take you on a tour of Runetotem, another form of punishment for my stupid transfer.
Well, I've been a Fury Warrior for over a year now, and in that time I've seen shit that will make you laugh, drool, or cry. So I decided to start keeping track of this stuff. All my thoughts, missteps, triumphs and disappointments will be posted here for your entertainment.
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