The wow-europe Warrior forums are always a great place for laughs. You'll find endless volumes of worthless prattle from people who should really be playing Second Life instead of WoW. You'll also find plenty of insightful, and just plain hilarious comments from forum regulars like Londron, or one of my big Warrior heroes Meadows. I'll regularly keep track of some of the more epic threads I come across on the Forums. But first I'd like to clear up an issue I've been having with Conscience of SSL. Several idiots from this guild have been contacting me, interrupting my role playing, or my instance tanking to discuss... ok, not discuss, to just piss me off, about comments I've made about them on the WoW-Europe Forums.
First, let's have a look at Amidalar's Opening Post.
(Retrieved from

And now my comments from the same thread.

I simply accused their Rogues of being loot whores, which is totally correct since they would try and convince their Raid Leader that the Talon of Azshara ( is a Rogue weapon, and that Fury Warriors can get much better. Had these Rogues done some research they would be surprised to learn that it is one of the most coveted off hand weapons for a Fury Warrior. So yes, I think the term "Loot whore" clearly applies here.

Furthermore I went on to say "I would have left the guild at this point, thank God I didn't stay on SSL for PvE" which you can feel free to interpret as you like, the actions of their Rogues speak much more clearly about the quality of this guild than I could. Have they learned to play since then? I don't know, and to be honest, I couldn't really give a damn. And yes, I would have left the guild at this point, I refuse to play with people who think they can con me out of my fair share of the hard earned epics.
These are the facts, if any from Conscience wishes to take this up further, you may feel free to direct your comments here:
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