Don't we all? This dude had one epic bad luck streak against this Rogue and posted on the Warrior Forums to ventilate his frustrations. We feel your pain my brother.
Draenei Warriors?
Are Draenei a good choice for Warriors on the Alliance side? Well, my answer may or may not surprise you, but it's a yes. Read on and see what you think.
Warrior Leveling?
Some crack head seems to think that leveling a Warrior is difficult. Another person says it's easier the second time around. I'm not sure how true this is, leveling the first time wasn't hard, and it was a ton of fun. Leveling up the second time is very easy, but very boring! There's nothing new to discover, it's just basically remaking a character I already have just because I want to play on a PvP realm. *sigh* if SSL wasn't an RP realm and keeping me entertained, I'd Rend myself!
Minimum T5/T6 for Kara?
People say the dumbest shit to DPS Warriors, and this one was pretty unremarkable until you get towards the end of page 2, that's when you'll stumble upon this asshole:

What s2? I said I dont want to have people in full s1 in my OWN raid which I made,l2understand english. You're probably the one who was too lazy to make badge runs and spamming the raidleaders in /LFG for invite but got refused.My response:
Badge Welfare l00t is only called that when people like YOU wear them. Had you checked my armory, you'd see some special reputations are starting to fill up in there, meaning I'll do my badge farming in MH and BT and /wave to you in Kara.I probably should have just said /LFG comment, but he's clearly too lazy to armory me. Because T4 Warriors with T6 Weapons clearly have to spend time begging people in /LFG to take them to KZ. I had a laugh. Hope you did too! =)
/LFG? What's that?
Edit: I <3 this guy!

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